BII Ventures - Integrative Assets

Over time, BII Consulting has looked to expand their offerings beyond traditional services. While industry leading services have and will continue to be our foundation, we feel software as a service (SAAS) offerings are a platform we can deliver to current and future clients. These efforts have become a reality. BII will be launching a cathodic protection SAAS subscription based solution in the summer of 2019. Look for additional information on the BII Ventures page (coming soon) as well as visit Integrative Assets for more information.

BII Consulting and HealthFuse partner to develop a Cloud based software solution.

HealthFuse, a healthcare vendor management company, engaged BII to transform their proprietary AutoAudit process into a cloud based software solution.  During discovery sessions, BII created a development roadmap as well as an approach for a cloud based infrastructure to support the software solution.  The execution of the roadmap has resulted in a product that has allowed HealthFuse to streamline their internal auditing process as well as provide the solution to their clients as a software as a service offering.

BII Consulting and Medtronic, Inc. continue partnership

Medtronic, Inc. completed their acquisition of Covidien plc in late January 2015.  Medtronic has committed to the continuation of the valued relationship between BII and Covidien.  BII will continue to advise Medtronic on and transactional systems data integration as well as be engaged in the conversion from IBM to SAP business intelligence platforms in 2016 and 2017.

IBM Business Partner Summit in Las Vegas

IBM Business Partner Summit in Las Vegas is a leading event for companies implementing and delivering IBM Analytic Solutions. We dedicated this time to engage our peers and discuss the latest trends in our industry as well as review the new products and technologies presented by IBM. BII Consulting also used this event to further its growth by introducing two new business partners; Chris Bennett and Josh Drohan